EV Buyers Guide

Speed The charging speed for electric vehicles depends on the power source, the output of the charger and the charging capacity of the vehicle.

Starting from the lowest charging output, below are the most common charge speeds:

• Three-pin plug – 2.3kW • Home charge point – 3.6kW • Home charge point – 7.4kW • Home charge point – up to 22kW

Most electric vehicles charge at around 7kW at home, which is roughly 30 miles of range per hour. To charge a vehicle at a significant higher rate (such as 11kW or 22kW) the property must have a three-phase electricity supply. However, most residential properties in the UK operate on a single-phase supply and so are unable to support a three-phase 22kW charger. It is possible to apply for an upgrade to a three-phase supply through the distribution network operator (DNO) , but this can be very expensive with costs ranging from £3,000 to £15,000. It is also worth noting that many electric vehicles on the market cannot facilitate this power supply.

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