EV Buyers Guide

To incentivise the adoption of electric vehicles, there are several Government grants available to facilitate the installation of EV Chargepoints. Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Grant 1 The EV Chargepoint Grant provides funding towards the cost of installing electric vehicle smart chargepoints at some domestic properties across the UK. It replaced the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) on 1 April 2022. a) Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Grant - if you own and live in a flat, or you rent any residential property If you own and live in a flat, or you rent any residential property with an off-street parking space, the Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Grant contributes up to £350 or 75% - whichever amount is lower - towards the cost of buying and installing a socket. To qualify for the scheme, flat owners or renters of a property must have an eligible vehicle that meets the approved list of Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) and the electrical chargepoint must be on the list of OZEV approved chargepoint models. Furthermore, applicants must use a qualified electrical installer from the OZEV authorised installer database.

For further information on eligibility and how to apply click here.

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