Sash Weights
Window Furniture & Hardware
Lead Sash Weights • Range of sections available • Sold in 600mm lengths • Centre hole, can be cut to length • Re-use o cuts as weights or make weights • The make weight suits round or square weights • There are tolerances of +/-5% Cross section, +/-2mm length, +/-5% weight
Best Seller
Can be cut down to size on site
Weight lb/kg 8lb/3.62kg 14lb/6.35kg 20lb/9.07kg 29lb/13.15kg 36lb/16.32kg 6lb/2.72kg 28lb/12.7kg 1lb/0.45kg
Size mm
Each £14.55 £23.90 £36.40 £49.90 £65.00 £16.35 £48.90
A 642395
25 x 25 x 600 30 x 32 x 600 38 x 38 x 600 45 x 45 x 600 50 x 50 x 600
£13.10 £21.30 £32.75 £44.70 £58.75 £14.65 £44.20 £1.65
720802 804725 552955 435264 793854 803179
25 x 600 50 x 600
B 502084
36 x 36 x 36
Cutting Table for Weights & Sizes
Size 25x25 170mm 339mm 508mm
32x32 96mm 192mm 288mm 383mm 480mm 575mm
38x38 66mm 132mm 197mm 263mm 329mm 395mm 460mm 526mm 592mm
50x50 37mm 74mm 110mm 147mm 184mm 221mm 258mm 295mm 331mm 368mm
45x45 46mm 92mm 138mm 184mm 230mm 276mm 322mm 367mm 413mm 459mm
1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 5kg 6kg 7kg 8kg 9kg 10kg
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