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DOOR CLOSERS | Over 270 products available
1110 Fire Door Closer - Silver
AR6900 Fire Door Closer - Silver
• Power size 2-4 • Medium duty • Suitable for use in living accommodation & office corridors
• Power size 2-4 • 120 minute fire rating
Customer review:
Customer review:
“ Bought this for a job, great product, easy to fit and looks good. ”
“ Second time buying this product. Really good value for money as well. ”
£34.55 + VAT each LOW TRADE PRICE
£28.10 + VAT each LOW TRADE PRICE
Order code: 662926
Order code: 785478
TS90 Cam Action Fire Door Closer - Silver
Fire Door Holder - Black
• An adjustable power size 3-4 cam action track arm light duty fire door closer intended for use in public areas, such as schools, hospitals and care homes where there is light duty traffic
• Installs in under 5 minutes • CE rated
Customer review:
Customer review:
“ Purchased 2 Dorgards. Good price, checked against other suppliers. ”
£64.05 + VAT each LOW TRADE PRICE
£89.50 + VAT each LOW TRADE PRICE
Order code: 477015
Order code: 174680
Need guidance?
Click here and choose the right door closer with our online guide
SAVE 20% * with code: JDM1021 DON’T MISS OUT! Offer ends 31/12/21
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