The right light for the right space Each area of a home will have different lighting requirements based on when and how it is used. Choosing lighting with the right colour temperature not only helps create a particular atmosphere, but can help support health and wellbeing. For instance, lights that replicate the phases of natural daylight can help support natural sleep cycles due to our biological programming. Bluer lamps with a higher Kelvin (K) imitate morning light and can help people feel more alert – ideal for use in kitchens. Meanwhile, warmer tones that replicate sunset will signal it is time to sleep and is therefore ideal for lighting in bedrooms. Choosing the right style There is a vast choice of lighting solutions available for residential properties, to suit a wide range of interior schemes. Vintage and retro options for instance are ideal for homes that take design cues from the past, while more contemporary designs are there for customers looking for something new.
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